Sibo Test Adelaide Near Me

Merridy Casson ND - Naturopath & Nutritionist in Adelaide Highbury Natural Health Centre & IBS Clinic Natural Health Medicine Advanced Functional Medicine Adelaide Elemental Health and Nutrition - Functional Medicine & Chronic Fatigue Specialist Adelaide Daniela Marie Naturopathy Gastroenterology SA Melisa Byrne Charlotte Barker Naturopathy Michelle Harris Naturopath

1. AF Health - Adelaide Naturopath Clinic - Norwood

· 55 reviews

9 Osmond Terrace, Norwood SA 5067, Australia

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2. Merridy Casson ND - Naturopath & Nutritionist in Adelaide - Everard Park



· 51 reviews

589 South Rd, Everard Park SA 5035, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Merridy Casson ND - Naturopath & Nutritionist in Adelaide: what do users think?

Puneet Rakheja: I had the pleasure of consulting with Merridy Casson for an ongoing issue with psoriasis on my hands, and I couldn't be more grateful for her guidance. Despite the online nature of our consultation, Merridy was incredibly attentive, taking the time to understand my condition thoroughly and providing personalised recommendations. Her holistic approach, combining naturopathy and nutrition, has already made a noticeable difference in my symptoms. I feel more confident in managing my condition and appreciate the care she puts into her practice. Highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a natural and effective approach to health.

Richard Rosen: I have always struggled with my battle over eczema and it took me a while before getting up to courage to give Merridy a shot. But you know what, it was one of the best decisions I could have made. If only had gone sooner. I’m on the road to recovery and finally starting to feel great again. My flair ups are less than before and I’m starting to get my confidence back.

Lindy Giadresco: Merridy is thorough and makes you feel that you are in good hands. I would recommend Merridy to anyone looking to better their health.

Glenys Whalley: Merridy is a very experienced professional, with a high level of knowledge in all the areas of her delivery. Of particular importance to me was the personal approach she has with me as a client. She listens and responds to my particular situation. I highly recommend her.

O O: Absolutely so happy we found Merridy, she has helped put us on a fabulous health pathway which has us feeling so much better and seeing improvements every week. Thank you Merridy x

Locky Naomi Johnson: Merridy is very knowledgeable, open and honest. She takes a very caring approach and the time to really listen.After several years of unsuccessful and disappointing visits with GP’s and dermatologists my teenager finally has experienced relief and improvement from the times of debilitating hormonal, gut and skin issues, under the care and guidance of Merridy. Can’t thank Merridy enough for all her time and care guiding my teen on the path to better health.

Tracey Miller: Thank you so much Merridy for your professional and caring approach. By addressing my overall wellbeing rather than just treating symptoms I have seen massive improvement in both my physical and mental health. I am confident that it will only get better from here 🤩

Johnny Zervas: Incredible help! Merridy helped get my stomach back on track, no more bloating, no more aches, energy levels are at a high, sleep is so much better and overall feeling great! Highly recommend Merridy 👌

Eliza Le Cornu: Merridy has been incredible for my overall health.She is approachable and knowledgeable and takes the time to identify all of your concerns.I would definitely recommend Merridy to anyone who is looking for a great naturopath.

Yuki Tanaka: Merridy helped me with my fatigue, low energy, brain fog, and other debilitating symptoms that I had suffered for many months. After following her dietary advice and taking the supplements she recommended, I felt better immediately and my health started to improve. I am so grateful for Merridy's caring practice and her help with extensive knowledge in the field.

gabby orielly: Bir süre Merridy'e gitmeyi düşündüm ama gittiğime çok sevindim.Sadece 5 hafta sonra kendimi çok daha iyi hissediyorum. Onu kesinlikle başkalarına tavsiye ederim.

Dave Baun: Harika ve derinlemesine bir ilk görüşme gerçekleştirdik. Merridy harika sorular sormaya zaman ayırdı ve yanıtlarımı gerçekten dinledi. Sonuç olarak diyet ve sağlıkla ilgili olarak neyi doğru veya yanlış yaptığım hakkında çok şey öğrendim. O çok titiz ve işini biliyor! Bazı şeyleri doğrulamak veya dışlamak için birkaç test yaptırdım. Şiddetle tavsiye edilir!

Anna Wuttke: Merridy, 16 yaşındaki oğlumun migreniyle baş etmesine yardımcı oldu. Merridy dost canlısı, bilgili ve destekleyicidir.

Liisa Grace Baun: Merridy mükemmel bir beslenme uzmanıdır. Kaliteli hizmet veriyor, detaylara önem veriyor ve cana yakın. Onun yanında kendimi rahat ve rahat hissediyorum. Üç aydan uzun bir süre önce gerçekleşen ilk randevumdan bu yana başarılı bir şekilde kilo verdim ve yeme alışkanlıklarımı tamamen değiştirdim. Sağlığım artık çok daha iyi. Daha fazla enerjim var ve daha iyi uyuyorum. İlk görüşmemin ardından Merridy'nin bütünsel yaklaşımıyla bana yardımcı olabileceğinden emindim. Deneyimim son derece faydalı oldu. Merridy harika bir dinleyicidir ve sağlık ve refah konusunda çok tutkuludur. Hizmetlerini şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum.

Debbie Draper: Merridy çok bilgili, açık ve dürüst. Benim için etkili bir yol belirlemeye yardımcı olacak birçok soru sorarak endişelerimi dinledi. Değişim ilk başta zorlayıcı olsa da, bunun yıllardır hissettiğim en iyi şey olduğunu dürüstçe söyleyebilirim. Bağırsaklarım yeniden dengelendi ve ihtiyaçlarıma uygun çok daha sağlıklı bir diyetin tadını çıkarıyorum. Sonuç olarak zihinsel sağlığım da oldukça iyileşti.

Robyn: Merridy, gerçek şefkatli yapısıyla mükemmel, profesyonel bir hizmet sunmuştur.

Louise B: Zor bir yılın ardından toparlanmama yardım ettiğin için Merridy'e yeterince teşekkür edemem. Artık geceleri rahat uyuyorum ve bu her şeyi değiştiriyor.Çeşitli endişelerim konusunda bana her zaman yardımcı olabilirsiniz. Tekrar teşekkürler. Çok müteşekkirim!

Kaitlin Johns: Yıllardır süren açıklanamayan cilt alevlenmelerini ve sürekli egzamayı çözmek için dermatologlar, pratisyen hekimler vb. ile yapılan birçok başarısız girişimden sonra Merridy'ye geldim. Merridy ile sadece birkaç seansta cilt sorunumun kökenini bulmayı başardık ve bu artık cildimi tamamen değiştirdi ve diğer sağlık profesyonellerinin bana sadece yaşamam gerektiğini söylediği gibi olacağını düşündüğümden daha iyi bir hale geldi. Bununla birlikte…. Merridy'yi cilt sorunu olan herkese şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum çünkü o sadece benim sorunlarımı çözmekle kalmadı, aynı zamanda bizim zamanımızda gerçekten benim durumuma yatırım yaptığını gösterdi ki bu, geçmiş deneyimlere göre nadirdir!

michael cavuoto: Merridy çok anlayışlıydı ve sağlık ve sağlıklı yaşam hedeflerime ulaşmamda bana yardımcı oldu. Gerçekten çok fazla bilgisi var ve ilk görüşmeden sonra kendisine %100 güvendim. Söylediklerine güvenin ve ona sadık kalın, sonuçlar gelecektir. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Carol Blesing: Merridy's depth of knowledge in regard to all things Naturopathy and Nutrition is extraordinary. She is so approachable and friendly, and I have no hesitation in recommending her.

3. Gastrolab - Woodville South

· 0 reviews

4/850 Port Rd, Woodville South SA 5011, Australia

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4. Highbury Natural Health Centre & IBS Clinic - Hope Valley

· 1 reviews

24 Elliston Ave, Highbury SA 5089, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

5. Natural Health Medicine - Payneham South

· 30 reviews

102 Portrush Rd, Payneham SA 5070, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Natural Health Medicine: what do users think?

Sharon Wallwork: yardımcı olacak bir çeşit harika hap veya herhangi bir şey ararken buldum. hepsi. Piyasadaki her tür hapı satın almıştım ama belirtilerimi gidermeme yardımcı olmadı. Her zaman sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı, temiz beslenme vb. yaşadım ama Maria ile tanışmak bana yeni bir canlılık kazandırdı ve kendimi harika hissediyorum. Aslında artık daha çok yiyorum ama 6 kilodan fazla kaybettim ve menopoz semptomları tamamen ortadan kalktı. Diyetimde eksik olan temel unsur proteindi. Yumurtalar artık benim güç evim ve harika ilacım.İlk başta, Kuzey NSW'de yaşadığım için, yaşam tarzım çok meşgul olduğundan ve Maria Güney Avustralya'da olduğundan, danışmanlığın işe yaramayacağını düşündüm. Sağlığım için en iyi vitamin ve mineral alımını elde etmek amacıyla gıdaları yeniden değerlendirmek için her 2 haftada bir yakınlaştırıp 30 dakika sohbet ediyoruz.Maria'ya inanılmaz bilgi birikimini şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum, daha uzun ve daha mutlu bir yaşam için sağlığımıza ince ayar yapmak için hepimiz kendimize zaman borçluyuz xxx

Jasna Focareta: Sağlık yolculuğumdaki tüm yardımlarından dolayı Maria ve ekibine çok minnettarım. Kliniğin harika bir atmosferi var ve yönetici kadrosu çok hoş. Tüm yardımlarınız için teşekkür ederim Maria, sonunda duyulduğunu ve dinlenildiğini hissetmek çok rahatlatıcı 🙌

Monica Clark: Maria muhteşem! Çok arkadaş canlısı ve ilgili ve yardım etmek için elinden geleni yapıyor. Çocuklarımın pek çok sağlık sorunu vardı; denememize ve yönlendirmemize yardımcı oldu ve karmaşık yulaf sonuçlarını anlamanın ötesine geçti. İlk çocuğumuzla bu kadar uğraştıktan sonra ikinci çocuğumuza hamile kalmamıza da yardımcı oldu, teşekkürler Maria! xx

Esther Douglas: Maria'nın o kadar zengin bir bilgisi var ki, onu daha fazla tavsiye edemezdim. Son 7 yılda fibromiyalji ve son zamanlarda çok ağrılı yumurtalık kisti ve kilo kaybı/hamilelik sonrası sağlık da dahil olmak üzere birçok farklı sağlık sorununu ele almamda bana rehberlik etti. Tedavisi kist ameliyatından kaçınmamı, kilo vermemi, enerjimi ve sağlığımı geri kazanmamı sağladı.

Sophia H-B: Maria'yı uzun yıllardır görüyorum. Pek çok alanda çok bilgili ve pek çok sorunu aşmamda bana yardımcı oldu. Onu daha fazla tavsiye edemezdim.

Darelle Tasker: Maria Harpas'la çalışmak harika; bilgili, arkadaş canlısı, ilham verici ve motive edici. Bana yiyeceklere farklı bir açıdan nasıl bakacağımı öğretti ve yaşam tarzım için sürdürülebilir, gerçekçi bir şekilde genel sağlığımı ve refahımı iyileştirmem için bana araçlar verdi. Teşekkürler Maria! 💫

John Harpas: Şeker emilim sorunu yaşayan 2 yaşında bir çocuğumuz var. Hastaneye, doktorlara vs. bir ileri bir geri gidiyorduk.Maria bize rehberlik ve tavsiyelerde bulunana kadar kızlarımızın sağlığında iyileşmeler görmedik. Çok minnettarım

Amy Carbone: Maria Harpas'la yaptığım istişareden sonra kendimi çok mutlu hissederek ayrıldım! Bu kadar kısa sürede o kadar çok şey öğrendim ki, Maria'nın bilgisi ve tecrübesi olağanüstü. Yardımınız için teşekkür ederim Maria x

Anna Schirripa: Sayın Arkadaşlar,Bu, sağlığınızı kontrol altında tutmak ve bilinçli seçimler yapmak için önemli bir zamandır.Maria Harpas'ın Mart 2021'deki ilk ziyaretimden bu yana bana verdiği profesyonelliğe, coşkuya ve bağlılığa büyük saygı duyuyorum.İlk ziyaretimde kendimi oldukça sağlıksız bir durumda olarak tanımlayabilirim. Şok edici sonuçlar vermek için gereken tüm kan testlerini yaptıktan sonra Maria, seviyeleri yükseltmek ve yiyecekleri tartışmak için mükemmel takviyeleri kullanarak hızlı bir şekilde harekete geçti. 30 yıldır kırmızı et yemiyorum, son 5 yıldır da tavuk ve balık yemiyorum. Şeker isteği yok, abur cubur isteği yok, alkolsüz içecek ve az alkol yok. Bitki bazlı ve az süt ürünü, kulağa oldukça sağlıklı geliyor değil mi…. Hiç de bile!! Sayılar o kadar düşüktü ki beni uyutuyordu!11 hafta boyunca 3. ziyaretimden sonra rakamlar giderek değişti ve değişmeye devam ediyor. En önemlisi, büyük bir değişim hissediyorum, kendimi daha canlı, uyanık ve enerjik hissediyorum. Maria'nın maksimum sonuçları ve sayıları benim olmam gereken yerde almak istemesini seviyorum. Çok minnettarım Maria, Heath'ime gösterdiğiniz içten ilgi için teşekkür ederim.Teşekkür ederim 🙏Anna

Bea Myers: My journey with Maria Harpas from NHM started In October 2019 due to having a skin rash and debilitating itch, that I had been trying to get rid of for 2 years, and years of gut issues . With blood tests and discussion around lifestyle and diet Maria suggested an initial program of dietary changes back to basics, then introduced a natural treatment to rid the parasite that showed up in a stool test. after a bond density scan Maria introduced supplements for my bone health as my bone density was showing Osteopenia and at my age of over 60 needed to address this. Maria also picked up in my blood test, which no doctor had ever mentioned, that a low count in one area of my bloods was to do with adrenal fatigue. no surprise considering my life and especially my job of the last 10 years, the suggested supplements and specific additions to my diet have address this. As we progressed foods were introduced slowly to know which foods I could have with no symptoms and which to avoid. Now 18mth on I have gone from misery and frustration and stress re the skin rash and years of gut health issues which was thrown in the basket of IBS, and debilitating fatigue to a life of vibrant health, with consistent good energy, no rash or itch and loving life. Thank you Maria and NHM.

Deanna | The Sorted Home: Highly recommend. Such a warm, friendly and professional service. They have totally transformed my health and wellness journey.

Gabriella Sassi: Having Maria as a mentor, new out of university, has and still is a significant part of my professional career. She has a wealth of knowledge and expertise and with her passion to share her skills has supported, guided and trusted in my development as a professional practitioner. Aside from her being a expert in her field, Maria is incredibly giving and one of her greatest strengths is her determination to change the course of an individual’s health using practical, relevant and scientific information.

Nicole Cleggett: at Natural Health Medicine I have been able to drastically improve my health when Western Medicine was unsuccessful. A great approach for anyone that wants to see a visible change in their health and wants a different approach to the detrimental effects of western medicine. Well worth all the time, money and appointments to be feeling my best!

Christina Kilishiri: I have found the service friendly, welcoming and professional. The practitioners are knowledgeable, empathetic and dedicated to helping a person improve their physical and/or mental wellbeing. I would highly recommend this practice.

Pete D: Fantastic knowledgeable staff. Really up to date with the leading science and treatments. Have assisted with joint health.Thanks

6. Advanced Functional Medicine Adelaide - Adelaide

· 2 reviews

Suite 4411/3/55 Gawler Pl, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Kate Driver Naturopath - Glenelg South

116 Partridge St, Glenelg South SA 5045, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

8. Kathy Sedun Naturopath - Rundle Mall - Adelaide

3/55 Gawler Pl, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Elemental Health and Nutrition - Functional Medicine & Chronic Fatigue Specialist Adelaide - Payneham South

· 39 reviews

102 Portrush Rd, Payneham South SA 5070, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Elemental Health and Nutrition - Functional Medicine & Chronic Fatigue Specialist Adelaide: what do users think?

Katie Elizabeth Jamieson Suartika: I’ve just seen Rohan once last week for my mental health I found him to be very knowledgeable and caring Have been communicating via email as I was wanting to ask him some questions for peace of mind. Was very helpful. I feel very positive for the future in getting better off prescribed medications from doctor and on to alternative medicine Thanku Rohan 🙏

Lvtb Ads: I have had the privilege of being under the care of Dr. Rohan, for years I’ve been trying to find a solution for my sensitive skin and he has provided me effective natural treatment plans. He has taking the time to listen to my entire journey, understand my concerns, and help me with all my health needs with follow up care. His commitment to healing, combined with his warm-hearted approach, makes him one of the best holistic care practitioner I have ever met. Lina.

Keli Payne: . Does not push products unnecessarily and is realistic with treatment plans.

Tahli Allen: Rohan is an exceptionally great bloke! Very interested in helping and has great knowledge to diagnose any problems. 10/10 recommend.

John Edward: Very knowledgeable about issues resulting in fatigue and he explains complex ideas in an straightforward way. I felt well understood and able to work together to find solutions that fit for me.I recommend Rohan to support anyone in their healing journey.John

Sonja: I met Rohan and found him to be a genuinely caring gentleman. I was made to feel comfortable. He took my concerns seriously and was compassionate and interested in my situation from a mental and emotional perspective. I felt listened to. I felt surprised and comforted that he understood that it was not just about food but that I needed a nutritionist who believed that my mind and emotions drove my behaviour. I received professional service and a summary of the interaction with goals, including getting blood tests to be thorough. Thank you, Rohan. I am hopeful and grateful.

Linda Wilsdon: I always find Rohan most attentive to any of my concerns, his knowledge is amazing, and I feel very safe in his hands and any treatment he suggests. Linda Wilsdon

Joshua Stega: Very happy with my progress with Rohan. I came to Rohan without any specific issues, just wanting to optimise my health. With Rohan's guidance we have been able to make serious inroads into some health markers that I thought we wouldn't be able to change due to genetics etc. Highly recommend.

Emily Morton: Rohan was thorough, friendly, and extremely knowledgeable. I am so glad I have found him on my path to health and wellness. My husband and I thoroughly recommend him.

Ros Walsh: After first consultation Rohan provided some great, and very simple treatment to assist with bad sleeping pattern that caused fatigue on a daily basis. I feel amazing and cannot thank him enough, along with his care for optimising my health. I would really recommend his advice and knowledge to anyone who wants to be the best they can be.

Mandi: Rohan is friendly, thorough and determined in his approach to get to the bottom of any health concern being presented to him. He has a wealth of knowledge and goes beyond the standard range of care provided by most health practitioner's. I have benefited greatly from his assistance, and aspects of my health have markedly improved as a result of his direct and thorough approach, along with helpful follow ups that ensure any issues are appropriately managed with a suitable treatment plan. Highly recommended for anyone looking for someone who is passionate and experienced in getting to the bottom of their health concerns.

K S: I highly recommend Rohan. He has a very methodical approach while looking at all possible issues to help you solve your medical problems. Such a breath of fresh air when you have found only brick walls with GPs and specialists. Thanks Rohan!

Thomas Sterle: Rohan listens where other medical practitioners won't. He has a depth of knowledge and experience and is able to apply that to specific needs. One of the first times I've felt that a medical appointment wasn't a waste of time. Came out of the appointment with a clear and practical plan.

Loren Price: Amazingly knowledgeable nutritionist. Rohan has a caring and patient attitude and has been able to provide a way forward that has very quickly delivered noticeable results. Highly recommend.

Amy Mudge: I've been working with Rohan for 7 years, I am so thankful to find such a competent practitioner. I have discovered the causes and strategies to manage my thyroid condition and fertility problems. I now have three healthy children and have had routine check ins for support at each interval during pregnancy, postpartum and breastfeeding, through the ups and downs. Rohan strategies and protocols are effective and achievable and informed by evidence and blood tests. I have reccomended him to many friends and family and anyone experiencing any health, gut, stress, fertility and hormone concerns. Thank you for your care and effort I am forever grateful

Rachael Rye: . Test results came back with 2 x types of parasites which the doctor overlooked, stating that they are common forms of parasites and don't 'generally' cause any issues, only treating a uti with a standard antibiotic.While collecting background information and being told about the parasites, Rohan was able to give us detail on how these two types of parasites affect the host. He ticked every symptom that Emily had been suffering for the past 10 months!Emily is also highly phobic of needles, so he accomodated this with an option of hair sampling which enabled him to diagnose her with pyrroles. She is now in the early stages of repairing these issues with relief in having someone who spoke plainly while offering her a pretty simple solution to what has caused so much grief!A wealth of information and such a lovely man. 100% recommend.

Fran Colman: Excellent service from Rohan. Very thorough on checking blood results which others conclude to be within normal range. Get a lot of answers & information that helps to get improvements in health.

Josephina Hillege: and recent results. His highly skilled knowledge of functional medicine and other has been a contributary factor. Rohan’s ethical caring and individual approach makes his business worthy of true wholistic care

10. Daniela Marie Naturopathy - Port Adelaide

18 Endeavour Dr, Port Adelaide SA 5015, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

11. Gastroenterology SA - North Adelaide

· 1 reviews

215 Melbourne St, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Clinpath Pathology North Adelaide - North Adelaide

· 5 reviews

89 Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Clinpath Pathology Adelaide Pulteney - Adelaide

· 3 reviews

245 Pulteney St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Melisa Byrne - Golden Grove

· 26 reviews

Suite 1 The Clocktower, Cnr Grove and Golden Ways, Golden Grove SA 5125, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Melisa Byrne: what do users think?

Kristen Carbins: I can’t thank Melisa enough for guiding me through the Metabolic Balance program. Over the 12-week journey, I not only reached my goal weight but also experienced a significant boost in how I feel about myself. Melisa’s expertise and support have been incredible, making the process smooth and encouraging. The best part is that I’ve developed habits I can maintain for a healthier lifestyle moving forward. If you’re looking for a program that works and a practitioner who truly cares, I highly recommend Melisa!

Enya Shay: Absolutely amazing to work with Melisa, she helped me understand that was happening in my body and explained thoroughly how everything worked. She was incredibly kind and understanding, I will definitely recommend her to others in the future, thank you Melisa.

Georgina Moore: With Melisa's support I gained fantastic results participating in the Metabolic Balance program. I lost my goal weight within the 12 week program and improved my health issues.

Gemma Gigg: Over the last 5 months Melisa has helped me in so many ways, getting my gut health back on track after a serious infection, managing my stress and help improve my overall health. Throughout my appointments Melisa taught me about my gut/ foods to help me succeed in the future. I am so grateful for everything Melisa has taught me. I definitely recommend seeing Melisa.Thank you ☺️

Michelle Gravador: Melissa is an exceptional practitioner who truly cares about her patients’ well-being. Her understanding and compassionate approach to health make her stand out. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking holistic and effective solutions. What sets her apart is her ability to create tailored plans that promote health without asking patients to sacrifice a lot. Five stars without hesitation!

Nancy Muraca: Melisa was a great coach with my journey on Metabolic Balance. She has been very supportive and informative. Our zoom meetings were also a lot of fun too. I highly recommend Melisa if anyone decides to take on the Metabolic Balance journey.

Joan McLatchie: I initially made appointment with Melisa as I was looking for a Naturopath in my local area as I have a history of gut issues. I also noted that one of her areas of expertise was women's health, which was also of interest to me. In our first consult, Melisa recommended I have a bone scan and boy am I happy that she did, as it revealed that I have osteoporosis!Melisa is a true professional, her kind and gentle demeanor makes her very easy to connect with. She is extremely knowledgeable and all of the information she shares is evidence backed.With Melisa's guidance and support, I feel empowered regarding my health and in particular my osteoporosis diagnosis. I am confident that working with Melisa, along with my GP I will regain bone mass.I will be forever indebted to Melisa for recommending that I have a bone scan done. I would highly recommend investing in your health and making an appointment with Melisa.Joan

Peg Mccann: Melisa is amazing. After many years of trying to deal with a salicylate sensitivity and lactose intolerance she had me sorted out in no time. After only a few months of treatment my gut is way better than it ever was and at last I can go out for dinner with my family and eat whatever I want. Such a small thing but impossible for sooo long. The list of foods I could tolerate just kept getting shorter before I made my first appointment and it seemed like the best and yummiest foods were out of reach forever. I felt hopeless and helpless to deal with it all But she knew exactly what was going on and was able to explain what why and how in a simple but sensible way. Her instructions were clear and completely doable and made a huge difference in such a short time. She is my hero. Thanks Melisa for listening and caring and knowing your stuff so well. I can’t thank you enough and I certainly recommend that anyone with gut issues beat a hasty path to your door.

Tony Lombardi: that no doctor or specialist had been previously able to help we with. Marisa took her time to take a thorough history, in the process making sure I understood the implications of questions being asked. In summing up my situation, Marisa then suggested two diet changes that given my specific history, could help, The first of the changes brought rapid results that have me feeling far healthier than I have in years and I can now avoid digestive symptoms that have plagued me since I was a teenager, and I’m 65 years of age now. Marisa’s caring, professional help is deserving of my external gratitude.

Chloe Brown: I went to see Melisa with a range of health issues that I had little hope would be resolved. After spending years seeing doctors and being prescribed medication and seeing no change I thought it was time to enter a holistic approach; and boy am I glad I went down this path!Melisa very quickly was able to offer educated advice and answers to my symptoms ranging from hormone imbalance and irregular periods, to my gut health and extreme bloating, as well as my mental health, anxiety and low mood.Within weeks of taking Melisas nutrition advice, and a very personalised herbal tonic and vitamin recommendations, I felt better than I thought was possible. I didn’t realise how much I had normalised my pain and lack of energy until my hormones were balanced again!Melisa has a genuine warmth about her, and her advice is nothing but professional. I never felt judged, only her genuine desire to work with me in discovering what worked for my body. I feel so much more education in my body functions and how best to support myself. All of the supplements I took were offered to me during my appointments, Melisa has everything you need right there in her room!After only 4 appointments with Melisa, my severe blowing and gut pain is under control, my cycles have gone from a 15-day range to being in sync month to month. I am finally able to understand which stage of my cycle I am at, and can predict the start of my cycle to the day. I have successfully come off anti-depressants for the first time in 4 years and I’ve never felt better. Melisa is the best investment I’ve ever made and I urge anyone with any symptoms/concerns to reach out and book an appointment!

Michelle Jilbert: and the Metabolic Balance program.My husband Andrew and I decided to join the Metabolic Balance program for different reasons. Mine was to get my bloodworks back into a healthy range. I had a fatty liver for many years, but when my liver results escalated drastically, and I was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease it was time to be serious about my health. The specialist said that I needed to stop eating carbs and sugar which I did for 2 weeks before falling back into bad habits.I have been on shake diets, bought prepared meals, joined a supplement program, and dieted over the years. I lost weight but it came back with a few extra kgs each time.I’ve been on the Metabolic Balance program for 12 weeks. In that time, I have lost 18.3kgs and 12.5cms off my hips just by following my personalised meal plan. Even more importantly, my health has improved, my bloodworks are now back within the normal range, I’ve lost weight and finally off my hypertension medication. I’m extremely happy with my results!During week 4 of the program, I had surgery and even though I haven’t been able to do much physical activity due to recovery, I still shed weight each week. I have been strict about following the plan. I do struggle with drinking enough water and always have, but I am now carrying around a drink bottle to remind myself that it’s important to keep hydrated.I like that Metabolic Balance is a scientific program which is based on my personal blood results and medical history. I feel that my body is now getting the right food that is required to fuel my body, without feeling hungry between meals.Melisa thank you for your continuous support and for guiding me to regain my health.I look forward to continuing my journey with you and losing more kgs to get to my ideal weight.Michelle

Sarah Johnson: 5 stars are not enough for Melisa - she is not only very good at what she does, she cares a great deal about it getting it right.Melisa is a highly-skilled naturopath, and her diagnostic tools combined with her excellent listening skills means she is able to work out how to treat health issues effectively. She also has the capacity to analyse complex issues and has an understanding of how to stage treatment to achieve great outcomes.Melisa is very caring and provides lots of backup support after consultations. Her regular emails containing health information are very informative and helpful. She has helped me enormously and I cannot recommend Melisa highly enough. I would have no problem in recommending Melisa and I thank her for my journey back to good health.

Kylie Hieatt: I am not sure where to begin about how amazing Melisa is. I was suffering for over five years with extreme peri-menopause symptoms that had me in quite a bad place. I was on HRT and it was making me feel even worse so I thought I would try a Naturopath as I wasn't sure what else to do. I did some research and found all the wonderful reviews re Melisa. I couldn't even begin to say how much this has changed my life. My moods are amazing and most of my other symptoms are either gone or very tolerable. I am back to my normal self. Melisa is such a great listener and I feel very relaxed and comfortable in her presence. She is just such a beautiful soul. I recommend her to everyone I know that is suffering the dreaded change of life, and even if that is not your issue, I think natural therapies should be considered if the conventional means aren't helping.

Dani Kersten: If I could give more than 5 stars I would!I came across Melisa and her business during an extremely difficult time health wise in my life, chronically ill and receiving little to no help from my team of specialised doctors. I took my health into my own hands and decided to give the world of holistic medicine a try.The moment I walked into Melisa's consultation room, I felt welcomed, peaceful and calm. A feeling I do not have when discussing my health with medical professionals. Melisa really cares for her patients and their wellbeing. She has been the most empathetic and understanding medical professional that I have ever worked with.Melisa's wealth of knowledge and dedication to her practice gave me my quality of life back, something I had lost and thought I would never get back. Despite not having helped someone with my particular health circumstances, Melisa has been nothing but determined to help me. I am incredibly grateful to have found Melisa and to have been able to work with her on improving my health.

Nicole Salamaga: , I was told Id never be able to have babies and Id need donor eggs if I wanted to try. Melisa helped me with a few diet changes and herbal tonics, I also was doing regular fertility acupuncture. I was able to conceive and carry 2 health babies. I cannot recommend Melisa enough.

kristy sharrad: I was a little unsure about seeing a naturopath, however after a very brief chat on the phone with Melisa I instantly felt at ease. She made my whole family feel comfortable during the consult and most importantly, she was able to provide a tonic that helped my 4 year old daughter get the restorative sleep she desperately needed!I highly recommend Melisa and will return to see her in the future, if the need arises.

Mara M: I never thought anything or anybody could help me change my life - but Melisa and the metabolic balance program did!I had been stuck in an extremely negative emotional, mental and physical state for 3-4 years, developing a horrible relationship with food and my own self due to several barriers. I’m so happy I decided to reach out to Melisa for her support and professional guidance in allowing myself to improve my wellbeing and mental health.Melisa was able to identify several challenges and imbalances within my body, that doctors hadn’t, and supported me to overcome them, whilst learning how to love myself again.Melisa has a genuinely empathetic approach to helping individual clients while addressing their needs, at times she even responded to my texts after hours while I was adjusting to the program. She helped me gain such a positive insight on nutrients, while teaching me how to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.I cannot recommend Melisa enough. She has truly brought me back to life.

Dylan Godfrey: I had the pleasure of visiting Melisa Byrne, a fantastic Naturopath who has truly transformed my health and well-being.Melisa is not only knowledgeable but she truly listens to her clients, taking the time to understand their concerns and work with them to find solutions. She has an incredible depth of knowledge and is able to offer effective and personalised treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs.One of the things I really appreciate about Melisa is how friendly and approachable she is. She makes you feel comfortable and at ease right away, which is so important when discussing personal health issues.Melisa has always been happy to give me her time whenever I needed assistance, whether it's answering questions or adjusting my treatment plan. She is genuinely dedicated to helping her clients achieve their health goals, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.If you are looking for a Naturopath who is caring, knowledgeable, and truly invested in your well-being, look no further than Melisa Byrne. She has helped me overcome my stomach issues and I am forever grateful for her expertise and support.

Dave Walden: I met with Melisa just before Christmas and we decided on a plan to commence in the new year.I only had a few kilos to loose but wanted to feel better in myself and less tired. After two weeks doing a liver cleanse I'd lost two kilos and felt much lighter and comfortable, I continued for another two weeks and lost a further 2 kilos in week 4.With Melisa's support I found the eating plan easy to follow and will aim to maintain it on an ongoing basis as I can definitely feel the benefits of following it.

Fiona Winter: Where to start? I've been putting off writing this review because I want to do Melisa and her amazing work justice! Her knowledge, dedication, passion and empathy shines through in every interaction. She is so generous with her time and guidance and I can honestly say the support Melisa gave to me has been life changing. My only regret is that I didn't reach out for her help sooner. Don't waste any more time - contact Melisa today.

15. Tummy Rescue - South Plympton

463 Cross Rd, South Plympton SA 5038, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

16. Clinpath Pathology Adelaide CBD Grote - Adelaide

· 8 reviews

City Medical Centre, 80 Grote St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Integrative Health Solutions - Belair

· 45 reviews

13 Laffers Rd, Belair SA 5052, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Integrative Health Solutions: what do users think?

Sally Vu: The nurse named Jacqui. She is doing a fantastic job. She is warm and caring.

mike versteegen: This practice is the best by far. I have been treated with the up most respect and professionalism by the doctors and the staff. It’s nestled amongst the beautiful gum trees in the former Blackwood Hospital but has a very modern approach. I can’t speak highly enough of this practice. I would like to thank everyone personally for the last 12 months i have been going there. They also acknowledge the little people too ! Thanks again for making a doctors visit enjoyable !

Lareen N: Had a great 90min massage today with Angel, the new massage therapist here. She's very skilled and professional. She released all my tension!

Michelle Wood: Amazing doctors. Have helped my family immensely.

Phil Lock: Very caring and diligent doctor. I felt comfortable I was listened to and my treatment plan was well thought out

CloMudrik Movement and Wellbeing: Integrative Health Solutions has great health professionals and services-I highly recommend it.

Michael: Amazing

Danielle Perrin: After visiting Integrative Health Solutions for the first time today as a new patient I found them to be an extremely understanding health practice that displayed lots of support, empathy & care for my current health needs. From the reception staff, nurse and right up to the Doctor visit they were all very helpful and welcoming.Thank you to you all.

Jeanette Lamb: A beautiful Clinic. Professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. I was treated with courtesy and respect and listened to. Gives me the surety that my own personal health issues will be addressed and I will be given all the support I need in the future. Long standing health issues which have been difficult to find a pathway for, will be addressed with my new GP as she is very knowledgeable about this. I'm so relieved. Happy days. 😊

Rana King: Dr Afari is an amazing so knowledgeable very up to dated and great personality. The clinic itself is very organised and very friendly staff, there is no waiting time or less than 10 minutes, highly recommended 💟

Susan Rollins: Excellent clinic.

Dianne Lofts: Very informative and helpful staff.Very pleased with the service I received at this Clinic

18. Charlotte Barker Naturopathy - Evandale

· 1 reviews

166 Payneham Rd, Evandale SA 5069, Australia

Address Website

19. Michelle Harris Naturopath - Rostrevor

· 5 reviews

Highland Ave, Rostrevor SA 5073, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

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