Clinics Nutrition Clinics Adelaide Near Me

Natural Health Medicine Southside Clinic Diet For You CSIRO Nutrition and Health Research Clinic Remedy This Health Clinic - Adelaide Naturopath, Homeopath, Kinesiologist Catherine Ryall Naturopath - Herbalist, Nutrition Advice, Digestive Health Healthful Wellness - Women's Hormone Health Naturopathy Melisa Byrne The Dripclub Unley Wakefield Sports + Exercise Medicine Clinic Core Nutrition Endeavour Wellness Clinic - Adelaide Highgate Proactive Health - Naturopathy, Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist Nutri4Life Pty Ltd Nutrition Health Experts Nourish Adelaide

1. AF Health - Adelaide Naturopath Clinic - Norwood

· 55 reviews

9 Osmond Terrace, Norwood SA 5067, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

2. Natural Health Medicine - Payneham South



· 30 reviews

102 Portrush Rd, Payneham SA 5070, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Natural Health Medicine: what do users think?

Sharon Wallwork: yardımcı olacak bir çeşit harika hap veya herhangi bir şey ararken buldum. hepsi. Piyasadaki her tür hapı satın almıştım ama belirtilerimi gidermeme yardımcı olmadı. Her zaman sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı, temiz beslenme vb. yaşadım ama Maria ile tanışmak bana yeni bir canlılık kazandırdı ve kendimi harika hissediyorum. Aslında artık daha çok yiyorum ama 6 kilodan fazla kaybettim ve menopoz semptomları tamamen ortadan kalktı. Diyetimde eksik olan temel unsur proteindi. Yumurtalar artık benim güç evim ve harika ilacım.İlk başta, Kuzey NSW'de yaşadığım için, yaşam tarzım çok meşgul olduğundan ve Maria Güney Avustralya'da olduğundan, danışmanlığın işe yaramayacağını düşündüm. Sağlığım için en iyi vitamin ve mineral alımını elde etmek amacıyla gıdaları yeniden değerlendirmek için her 2 haftada bir yakınlaştırıp 30 dakika sohbet ediyoruz.Maria'ya inanılmaz bilgi birikimini şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum, daha uzun ve daha mutlu bir yaşam için sağlığımıza ince ayar yapmak için hepimiz kendimize zaman borçluyuz xxx

Jasna Focareta: Sağlık yolculuğumdaki tüm yardımlarından dolayı Maria ve ekibine çok minnettarım. Kliniğin harika bir atmosferi var ve yönetici kadrosu çok hoş. Tüm yardımlarınız için teşekkür ederim Maria, sonunda duyulduğunu ve dinlenildiğini hissetmek çok rahatlatıcı 🙌

Monica Clark: Maria muhteşem! Çok arkadaş canlısı ve ilgili ve yardım etmek için elinden geleni yapıyor. Çocuklarımın pek çok sağlık sorunu vardı; denememize ve yönlendirmemize yardımcı oldu ve karmaşık yulaf sonuçlarını anlamanın ötesine geçti. İlk çocuğumuzla bu kadar uğraştıktan sonra ikinci çocuğumuza hamile kalmamıza da yardımcı oldu, teşekkürler Maria! xx

Esther Douglas: Maria'nın o kadar zengin bir bilgisi var ki, onu daha fazla tavsiye edemezdim. Son 7 yılda fibromiyalji ve son zamanlarda çok ağrılı yumurtalık kisti ve kilo kaybı/hamilelik sonrası sağlık da dahil olmak üzere birçok farklı sağlık sorununu ele almamda bana rehberlik etti. Tedavisi kist ameliyatından kaçınmamı, kilo vermemi, enerjimi ve sağlığımı geri kazanmamı sağladı.

Sophia H-B: Maria'yı uzun yıllardır görüyorum. Pek çok alanda çok bilgili ve pek çok sorunu aşmamda bana yardımcı oldu. Onu daha fazla tavsiye edemezdim.

Darelle Tasker: Maria Harpas'la çalışmak harika; bilgili, arkadaş canlısı, ilham verici ve motive edici. Bana yiyeceklere farklı bir açıdan nasıl bakacağımı öğretti ve yaşam tarzım için sürdürülebilir, gerçekçi bir şekilde genel sağlığımı ve refahımı iyileştirmem için bana araçlar verdi. Teşekkürler Maria! 💫

John Harpas: Şeker emilim sorunu yaşayan 2 yaşında bir çocuğumuz var. Hastaneye, doktorlara vs. bir ileri bir geri gidiyorduk.Maria bize rehberlik ve tavsiyelerde bulunana kadar kızlarımızın sağlığında iyileşmeler görmedik. Çok minnettarım

Amy Carbone: Maria Harpas'la yaptığım istişareden sonra kendimi çok mutlu hissederek ayrıldım! Bu kadar kısa sürede o kadar çok şey öğrendim ki, Maria'nın bilgisi ve tecrübesi olağanüstü. Yardımınız için teşekkür ederim Maria x

Anna Schirripa: Sayın Arkadaşlar,Bu, sağlığınızı kontrol altında tutmak ve bilinçli seçimler yapmak için önemli bir zamandır.Maria Harpas'ın Mart 2021'deki ilk ziyaretimden bu yana bana verdiği profesyonelliğe, coşkuya ve bağlılığa büyük saygı duyuyorum.İlk ziyaretimde kendimi oldukça sağlıksız bir durumda olarak tanımlayabilirim. Şok edici sonuçlar vermek için gereken tüm kan testlerini yaptıktan sonra Maria, seviyeleri yükseltmek ve yiyecekleri tartışmak için mükemmel takviyeleri kullanarak hızlı bir şekilde harekete geçti. 30 yıldır kırmızı et yemiyorum, son 5 yıldır da tavuk ve balık yemiyorum. Şeker isteği yok, abur cubur isteği yok, alkolsüz içecek ve az alkol yok. Bitki bazlı ve az süt ürünü, kulağa oldukça sağlıklı geliyor değil mi…. Hiç de bile!! Sayılar o kadar düşüktü ki beni uyutuyordu!11 hafta boyunca 3. ziyaretimden sonra rakamlar giderek değişti ve değişmeye devam ediyor. En önemlisi, büyük bir değişim hissediyorum, kendimi daha canlı, uyanık ve enerjik hissediyorum. Maria'nın maksimum sonuçları ve sayıları benim olmam gereken yerde almak istemesini seviyorum. Çok minnettarım Maria, Heath'ime gösterdiğiniz içten ilgi için teşekkür ederim.Teşekkür ederim 🙏Anna

Bea Myers: My journey with Maria Harpas from NHM started In October 2019 due to having a skin rash and debilitating itch, that I had been trying to get rid of for 2 years, and years of gut issues . With blood tests and discussion around lifestyle and diet Maria suggested an initial program of dietary changes back to basics, then introduced a natural treatment to rid the parasite that showed up in a stool test. after a bond density scan Maria introduced supplements for my bone health as my bone density was showing Osteopenia and at my age of over 60 needed to address this. Maria also picked up in my blood test, which no doctor had ever mentioned, that a low count in one area of my bloods was to do with adrenal fatigue. no surprise considering my life and especially my job of the last 10 years, the suggested supplements and specific additions to my diet have address this. As we progressed foods were introduced slowly to know which foods I could have with no symptoms and which to avoid. Now 18mth on I have gone from misery and frustration and stress re the skin rash and years of gut health issues which was thrown in the basket of IBS, and debilitating fatigue to a life of vibrant health, with consistent good energy, no rash or itch and loving life. Thank you Maria and NHM.

Deanna | The Sorted Home: Highly recommend. Such a warm, friendly and professional service. They have totally transformed my health and wellness journey.

Gabriella Sassi: Having Maria as a mentor, new out of university, has and still is a significant part of my professional career. She has a wealth of knowledge and expertise and with her passion to share her skills has supported, guided and trusted in my development as a professional practitioner. Aside from her being a expert in her field, Maria is incredibly giving and one of her greatest strengths is her determination to change the course of an individual’s health using practical, relevant and scientific information.

Nicole Cleggett: at Natural Health Medicine I have been able to drastically improve my health when Western Medicine was unsuccessful. A great approach for anyone that wants to see a visible change in their health and wants a different approach to the detrimental effects of western medicine. Well worth all the time, money and appointments to be feeling my best!

Christina Kilishiri: I have found the service friendly, welcoming and professional. The practitioners are knowledgeable, empathetic and dedicated to helping a person improve their physical and/or mental wellbeing. I would highly recommend this practice.

Pete D: Fantastic knowledgeable staff. Really up to date with the leading science and treatments. Have assisted with joint health.Thanks

3. Southside Clinic - Unley

· 30 reviews

1 Hughes St, Unley SA 5061, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Southside Clinic: what do users think?

Robbie Trott: Highly recommend, friendly and knowledgeable team!

Jonnie Banks: Josh has been pivotal in my recovery and has worked wonders for me. I highly recommend Josh as an osteo, he has a great approach and is very personable.

Mark Burns: My wife and I have been attending the clinic over the last few years, and every treatment has been exceptional. Brendan Wood is the top Osteopath in SA for advice, kindness, courtesy and professionalism. All staff from reception to the other specialists are also very friendly, welcoming and professional too.I only hope that I can find a similar clinic in the UK as we have to return to the UK soon. We can highly recommend the Brendan and the whole team.

Katie Jackson: I visit Viv the physio here, she's incredible! I trust Viv implicitly, she's highly skilled in her field, she has incredible insight and knowledge into the body and movement. I love her holistic, professional and measured approach.

Ar.yinyin: Dianne works wonders. Always feel like a new person after walking out of her sessions.

Maria M Alves: Had a very positive experience. Dr Rosalind Hill was able to find my problem and helped feeling better.

Paul Tomczyk: Incomparable pain treatment, and care from Dr Lauren Wood and Dr Andrea Robertson.

Desiree Beekharry: I have been unable to lie on my left side for several years - after sessions with Josh, I have more freedom and less pain on how I sleep. Thank you Josh. The staff at Southside Clinic are amazing and super friendly!

Kunal Shah: Saw Dr Josh Saxton for my chronic back issue.He is very knowledgeable and easy to work with. Josh explained the treatment very thoroughly.Highly recommended.

Juen Phie: 고관절 굴곡근부터 어깨, 발 통증에 이르기까지 다양한 문제에 대해 Josh를 보았습니다. 그는 부드럽고 온화한 접근 방식을 가지고 있지만 안도감을 얻는 데 매우 효과적입니다. 도움을 주셔서 감사합니다 조쉬.

Chanel Pana: 나의 마지막 경험이 도움이 되지 않았기 때문에 나는 접골사를 만나러 돌아가는 것이 약간 불안했습니다. 이 사람들은 친구로부터 적극 추천을 받았고 나는 왜 안 될지 생각했습니다. 나는 수년 동안 허리 문제로 고통받고 있으며 이전 정골요법사, 치료 마사지 치료사, 물리치료 또는 카이로프랙틱 진료로 이를 해결할 수 없었습니다. 10년은 젊어진 것뿐 아니라, 드디어 허리 통증이 완화되어 훨씬 더 행복합니다. 나는 정말 놀랐다. 나는 Roz와 Josh를 모두 보았고 그들의 서비스는 그 이상입니다. 평생 고객이신데, 추천해주셔서 너무 기쁩니다. 나는 내 삶을 돌려준 것에 대해 그들에게 영원히 큰 감사를 표할 것입니다.

Catherine Barnes: Joshua Saxton 박사는 놀랍고 귀하의 문제가 간단하지 않을 때 다른 의사들과 협력할 의향이 있습니다. 매우 공감적이고 전문적입니다. 직원분들도 반갑게 맞아주십니다!

Maxi: . Thank you Dr Joshua healing me. Also thank you to Ms Holly who was very attentive to me.

James Lloyd Mather: 나는 Josh와 Ros를 보았고 충분히 추천할 수 없습니다. 클리닉은 훌륭했습니다. 서사시적인 장소

Colleen Kennedy: 귀하를 존중하고 배려하며 귀하의 상태나 부상 회복을 고치거나 돕기 위해 최선을 다하는 매우 다양한 치료사. 물리치료사/접골사 Viv Jachmann은 나의 천사입니다. 그녀의 부드러우면서도 효과적인 두개천골 요법이 없었다면 제가 어디에 있을지 모르겠습니다.'

Luci G: Osteo Lauren Wood는 놀랍습니다. 나는 역사적 부상, 근육 긴장, 두통, 유연성 저하 등을 겪고 있습니다. Lauren은 지난 몇 달 동안 내 몸에 놀라운 일을 해왔습니다. 단 한 번의 세션 후에 나는 기분이 훨씬 좋아졌습니다. 나는 다른 곳으로 가지 않을 것이다! 고마워요 로렌!

Matthew Martin: 제 생각에는 정골의학이 너무 과소평가되어 있습니다. 잠을 잘 못 자고 일어나면 통증이 있습니다. 진료를 받으러 오세요. 고쳐주세요!. 저는 이전에 이곳의 고객이었고 몇 년 만에 돌아왔습니다. 나는 여기 팀에서 여러 가지 다른 Osteo를 보았지만 실망하지 않았습니다.

4. Diet For You - Evandale

· 3 reviews

166 Payneham Rd, Evandale SA 5069, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

5. CSIRO Nutrition and Health Research Clinic - Adelaide

· 1 reviews

Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

6. Remedy This Health Clinic - Adelaide Naturopath, Homeopath, Kinesiologist - Kent Town

· 22 reviews

90 Rundle St, Kent Town SA 5067, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Remedy This Health Clinic - Adelaide Naturopath, Homeopath, Kinesiologist: what do users think?

The Gaffer Barca The Gaffer Barca: Excellent! Highly recommend Julia in what she does and her professional approach. Wish I had come to see her sooner, but glad I have found her now.She has a genuine and caring nature and easy to talk too.She has provided support and guidance when other doctors couldnt

Annie Grifsas: Can not recommend Julia highly enough! She's so compassionate and thorough, you can always tell when someone is passionate about what they do!

Tanja Obradovic: My experience with Julia has been nothing but positive. I highly recommend her to anyone that is looking to regain their health. She is highly experienced, has a wealth of knowledge and very professional.She always looks after me and my family and has a genuine and caring nature.If you're looking for someone that will look after you and/or your family with a holistic approach and someone you can trust and feel confident in, I would highly recommend Julia.

David Signore: Great service and experience. Julia was fantastic as she was able to help me when no other doctors could. Results clearly evident within 24/48 hours. Will continue to see her when needed.

Gayle McGlone: Wonderful experience with Julia, currently undergoing treatment for the thyroid, liver, spleen and kidneys and after 6 months the results have been incredibly positive. Highly recommend if you’re looking to try alternatives from traditional medicine.

Jessica M: Julia is kind, compassionate and extremely knowledgeable. If you're struggling with your health and want to try a holistic approach, she is your lady! Julia helped me and other members of my family successfully. She has absolutely mastered her craft and I cannot recommend her enough!!

Adam Pritchard: has been invaluable in me getting my life back together after it was far from certain that would have been possible. I am so relieved to have found her and be able to begin a healing journey at last. If you are currently suffering from an illness, have a condition that only flares up at times or just want to live a more balanced life and enjoy the benefits that come with that, seeing Julia will be of huge benefit to you.

Ekaterina Nicholas: Visited Remedy This clinic after a few GPs didn’t give me any answers and I got a bit desperate. My friend recommended to see Julia and I was very pleased with Julia’s professionalism and compassion. She listened and gave me the solution I was after. I would totally recommend this place looking forward.

Tessa Murenu: I am MOST deeply grateful for Julia. Her professionalism, deepest knowledge and compassion for my education, healing and well being is in awe. Bless you Julia and RemedyThisHealthClinic!

Imogen Wellness: Julia is incredible!I’ve seen many different holistic health professionals before and she is by far the best!The complete range of services she offers allows for balancing of the entire physical body systems as well as integration of emotional healing. She has helped me so much with my health - thank you Julia!

Katerina Hunter: Thanks Julia

Louise Brooks: I am so grateful to Julia for the time she commits at each appointment in order to gain a thorough understanding of my health. She has a trusting and professional manner and is genuinely committed to improving my health and wellbeing. I am so happy with the results so far and so pleased these have been achieved naturally. I feel great! I have no hesitation recommending Julia

Angela Eacott: I have had a great experience with Julia and look forward to working with her to address my overall optimal health goals. I Highly recommend a visit.

Bindushree Yogendrappa: excellent remedy for all the problems. Thanks julia. i hope i recover soon

Chantelle Wall: Julia listens fully and covers all areas of concern for my health. Not one thing I mention in our session gets missed out and I leave feeling like all bases have been thoroughly covered. Julia's recommendations are always achievable and easy to follow. Julia has taught me to slow down and gradually allow my body to bring itself back to a state of health with small changes that support this process. Thank You Julia, I am grateful for your listening and presence in our consultations.

Belle M: Julia is absolutely amazing at what she does and has helped me with health issues I have had ongoing for the last 8 years. She asks all the right questions and is very thorough. She is very professional but also very easy to speak to. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Tania Cannella: I have no hesitation in recommending Julia. She has a wealth of knowledge and is very thorough. Julia has been treating myself and my teenage kids over the past couple of years and we are all very happy with the results.

Enza Tudini: Julia is a caring & thorough practitioner, who takes the time to ask the right questions to find the best way to heal. She has helped me with some health concerns & I am so happy with my results.

7. Catherine Ryall Naturopath - Herbalist, Nutrition Advice, Digestive Health - St Agnes

· 8 reviews

21 Geddes Ct, St Agnes SA 5097, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

8. Healthful Wellness - Women's Hormone Health Naturopathy - Glenelg

· 10 reviews

4 Milton St, Glenelg SA 5045, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Melisa Byrne - Golden Grove

· 26 reviews

Suite 1 The Clocktower, Cnr Grove and Golden Ways, Golden Grove SA 5125, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Melisa Byrne: what do users think?

Kristen Carbins: I can’t thank Melisa enough for guiding me through the Metabolic Balance program. Over the 12-week journey, I not only reached my goal weight but also experienced a significant boost in how I feel about myself. Melisa’s expertise and support have been incredible, making the process smooth and encouraging. The best part is that I’ve developed habits I can maintain for a healthier lifestyle moving forward. If you’re looking for a program that works and a practitioner who truly cares, I highly recommend Melisa!

Enya Shay: Absolutely amazing to work with Melisa, she helped me understand that was happening in my body and explained thoroughly how everything worked. She was incredibly kind and understanding, I will definitely recommend her to others in the future, thank you Melisa.

Georgina Moore: With Melisa's support I gained fantastic results participating in the Metabolic Balance program. I lost my goal weight within the 12 week program and improved my health issues.

Gemma Gigg: Over the last 5 months Melisa has helped me in so many ways, getting my gut health back on track after a serious infection, managing my stress and help improve my overall health. Throughout my appointments Melisa taught me about my gut/ foods to help me succeed in the future. I am so grateful for everything Melisa has taught me. I definitely recommend seeing Melisa.Thank you ☺️

Michelle Gravador: Melissa is an exceptional practitioner who truly cares about her patients’ well-being. Her understanding and compassionate approach to health make her stand out. I highly recommend her services to anyone seeking holistic and effective solutions. What sets her apart is her ability to create tailored plans that promote health without asking patients to sacrifice a lot. Five stars without hesitation!

Nancy Muraca: Melisa was a great coach with my journey on Metabolic Balance. She has been very supportive and informative. Our zoom meetings were also a lot of fun too. I highly recommend Melisa if anyone decides to take on the Metabolic Balance journey.

Joan McLatchie: I initially made appointment with Melisa as I was looking for a Naturopath in my local area as I have a history of gut issues. I also noted that one of her areas of expertise was women's health, which was also of interest to me. In our first consult, Melisa recommended I have a bone scan and boy am I happy that she did, as it revealed that I have osteoporosis!Melisa is a true professional, her kind and gentle demeanor makes her very easy to connect with. She is extremely knowledgeable and all of the information she shares is evidence backed.With Melisa's guidance and support, I feel empowered regarding my health and in particular my osteoporosis diagnosis. I am confident that working with Melisa, along with my GP I will regain bone mass.I will be forever indebted to Melisa for recommending that I have a bone scan done. I would highly recommend investing in your health and making an appointment with Melisa.Joan

Peg Mccann: Melisa is amazing. After many years of trying to deal with a salicylate sensitivity and lactose intolerance she had me sorted out in no time. After only a few months of treatment my gut is way better than it ever was and at last I can go out for dinner with my family and eat whatever I want. Such a small thing but impossible for sooo long. The list of foods I could tolerate just kept getting shorter before I made my first appointment and it seemed like the best and yummiest foods were out of reach forever. I felt hopeless and helpless to deal with it all But she knew exactly what was going on and was able to explain what why and how in a simple but sensible way. Her instructions were clear and completely doable and made a huge difference in such a short time. She is my hero. Thanks Melisa for listening and caring and knowing your stuff so well. I can’t thank you enough and I certainly recommend that anyone with gut issues beat a hasty path to your door.

Tony Lombardi: that no doctor or specialist had been previously able to help we with. Marisa took her time to take a thorough history, in the process making sure I understood the implications of questions being asked. In summing up my situation, Marisa then suggested two diet changes that given my specific history, could help, The first of the changes brought rapid results that have me feeling far healthier than I have in years and I can now avoid digestive symptoms that have plagued me since I was a teenager, and I’m 65 years of age now. Marisa’s caring, professional help is deserving of my external gratitude.

Chloe Brown: I went to see Melisa with a range of health issues that I had little hope would be resolved. After spending years seeing doctors and being prescribed medication and seeing no change I thought it was time to enter a holistic approach; and boy am I glad I went down this path!Melisa very quickly was able to offer educated advice and answers to my symptoms ranging from hormone imbalance and irregular periods, to my gut health and extreme bloating, as well as my mental health, anxiety and low mood.Within weeks of taking Melisas nutrition advice, and a very personalised herbal tonic and vitamin recommendations, I felt better than I thought was possible. I didn’t realise how much I had normalised my pain and lack of energy until my hormones were balanced again!Melisa has a genuine warmth about her, and her advice is nothing but professional. I never felt judged, only her genuine desire to work with me in discovering what worked for my body. I feel so much more education in my body functions and how best to support myself. All of the supplements I took were offered to me during my appointments, Melisa has everything you need right there in her room!After only 4 appointments with Melisa, my severe blowing and gut pain is under control, my cycles have gone from a 15-day range to being in sync month to month. I am finally able to understand which stage of my cycle I am at, and can predict the start of my cycle to the day. I have successfully come off anti-depressants for the first time in 4 years and I’ve never felt better. Melisa is the best investment I’ve ever made and I urge anyone with any symptoms/concerns to reach out and book an appointment!

Michelle Jilbert: and the Metabolic Balance program.My husband Andrew and I decided to join the Metabolic Balance program for different reasons. Mine was to get my bloodworks back into a healthy range. I had a fatty liver for many years, but when my liver results escalated drastically, and I was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease it was time to be serious about my health. The specialist said that I needed to stop eating carbs and sugar which I did for 2 weeks before falling back into bad habits.I have been on shake diets, bought prepared meals, joined a supplement program, and dieted over the years. I lost weight but it came back with a few extra kgs each time.I’ve been on the Metabolic Balance program for 12 weeks. In that time, I have lost 18.3kgs and 12.5cms off my hips just by following my personalised meal plan. Even more importantly, my health has improved, my bloodworks are now back within the normal range, I’ve lost weight and finally off my hypertension medication. I’m extremely happy with my results!During week 4 of the program, I had surgery and even though I haven’t been able to do much physical activity due to recovery, I still shed weight each week. I have been strict about following the plan. I do struggle with drinking enough water and always have, but I am now carrying around a drink bottle to remind myself that it’s important to keep hydrated.I like that Metabolic Balance is a scientific program which is based on my personal blood results and medical history. I feel that my body is now getting the right food that is required to fuel my body, without feeling hungry between meals.Melisa thank you for your continuous support and for guiding me to regain my health.I look forward to continuing my journey with you and losing more kgs to get to my ideal weight.Michelle

Sarah Johnson: 5 stars are not enough for Melisa - she is not only very good at what she does, she cares a great deal about it getting it right.Melisa is a highly-skilled naturopath, and her diagnostic tools combined with her excellent listening skills means she is able to work out how to treat health issues effectively. She also has the capacity to analyse complex issues and has an understanding of how to stage treatment to achieve great outcomes.Melisa is very caring and provides lots of backup support after consultations. Her regular emails containing health information are very informative and helpful. She has helped me enormously and I cannot recommend Melisa highly enough. I would have no problem in recommending Melisa and I thank her for my journey back to good health.

Kylie Hieatt: I am not sure where to begin about how amazing Melisa is. I was suffering for over five years with extreme peri-menopause symptoms that had me in quite a bad place. I was on HRT and it was making me feel even worse so I thought I would try a Naturopath as I wasn't sure what else to do. I did some research and found all the wonderful reviews re Melisa. I couldn't even begin to say how much this has changed my life. My moods are amazing and most of my other symptoms are either gone or very tolerable. I am back to my normal self. Melisa is such a great listener and I feel very relaxed and comfortable in her presence. She is just such a beautiful soul. I recommend her to everyone I know that is suffering the dreaded change of life, and even if that is not your issue, I think natural therapies should be considered if the conventional means aren't helping.

Dani Kersten: If I could give more than 5 stars I would!I came across Melisa and her business during an extremely difficult time health wise in my life, chronically ill and receiving little to no help from my team of specialised doctors. I took my health into my own hands and decided to give the world of holistic medicine a try.The moment I walked into Melisa's consultation room, I felt welcomed, peaceful and calm. A feeling I do not have when discussing my health with medical professionals. Melisa really cares for her patients and their wellbeing. She has been the most empathetic and understanding medical professional that I have ever worked with.Melisa's wealth of knowledge and dedication to her practice gave me my quality of life back, something I had lost and thought I would never get back. Despite not having helped someone with my particular health circumstances, Melisa has been nothing but determined to help me. I am incredibly grateful to have found Melisa and to have been able to work with her on improving my health.

Nicole Salamaga: , I was told Id never be able to have babies and Id need donor eggs if I wanted to try. Melisa helped me with a few diet changes and herbal tonics, I also was doing regular fertility acupuncture. I was able to conceive and carry 2 health babies. I cannot recommend Melisa enough.

kristy sharrad: I was a little unsure about seeing a naturopath, however after a very brief chat on the phone with Melisa I instantly felt at ease. She made my whole family feel comfortable during the consult and most importantly, she was able to provide a tonic that helped my 4 year old daughter get the restorative sleep she desperately needed!I highly recommend Melisa and will return to see her in the future, if the need arises.

Mara M: I never thought anything or anybody could help me change my life - but Melisa and the metabolic balance program did!I had been stuck in an extremely negative emotional, mental and physical state for 3-4 years, developing a horrible relationship with food and my own self due to several barriers. I’m so happy I decided to reach out to Melisa for her support and professional guidance in allowing myself to improve my wellbeing and mental health.Melisa was able to identify several challenges and imbalances within my body, that doctors hadn’t, and supported me to overcome them, whilst learning how to love myself again.Melisa has a genuinely empathetic approach to helping individual clients while addressing their needs, at times she even responded to my texts after hours while I was adjusting to the program. She helped me gain such a positive insight on nutrients, while teaching me how to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.I cannot recommend Melisa enough. She has truly brought me back to life.

Dylan Godfrey: I had the pleasure of visiting Melisa Byrne, a fantastic Naturopath who has truly transformed my health and well-being.Melisa is not only knowledgeable but she truly listens to her clients, taking the time to understand their concerns and work with them to find solutions. She has an incredible depth of knowledge and is able to offer effective and personalised treatment plans that are tailored to your specific needs.One of the things I really appreciate about Melisa is how friendly and approachable she is. She makes you feel comfortable and at ease right away, which is so important when discussing personal health issues.Melisa has always been happy to give me her time whenever I needed assistance, whether it's answering questions or adjusting my treatment plan. She is genuinely dedicated to helping her clients achieve their health goals, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.If you are looking for a Naturopath who is caring, knowledgeable, and truly invested in your well-being, look no further than Melisa Byrne. She has helped me overcome my stomach issues and I am forever grateful for her expertise and support.

Dave Walden: I met with Melisa just before Christmas and we decided on a plan to commence in the new year.I only had a few kilos to loose but wanted to feel better in myself and less tired. After two weeks doing a liver cleanse I'd lost two kilos and felt much lighter and comfortable, I continued for another two weeks and lost a further 2 kilos in week 4.With Melisa's support I found the eating plan easy to follow and will aim to maintain it on an ongoing basis as I can definitely feel the benefits of following it.

Fiona Winter: Where to start? I've been putting off writing this review because I want to do Melisa and her amazing work justice! Her knowledge, dedication, passion and empathy shines through in every interaction. She is so generous with her time and guidance and I can honestly say the support Melisa gave to me has been life changing. My only regret is that I didn't reach out for her help sooner. Don't waste any more time - contact Melisa today.

10. The Dripclub Unley - Unley

· 20 reviews

74 Unley Rd, Unley SA 5061, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
The Dripclub Unley: what do users think?

Shaun Jacobsen: My partner and I have been many many times the team are, informative , professional and very knowledgeable miss Erin has been a great nurse offering comfortable care for our sessions. Highly recommend

Sarah Robinson: Always a fabulous experience with a highly skilled and professional team

Kate H: Only trust Nurse Kim with my face 😊

Alice Walkman: Great experience!

ShekinahGlory 7: I'm very happy with the staffs who gave me the drip. Very knowledgeable, skillful, very attentive and responsive to my need, and positive attitude. 😀

victoria collinge: Kim and her pupil were wonderful today. Kim is a very good teacher and makes all experiences at the salon very comfortable. It’s a lovely place that always makes me feel very welcome 🤗

Chris: Nurse Kim & Jess are the best at their trade, doesn't matter what you need, head into Drip Club, they'll take care of you.

Penny Hili: I had Skin needling done. It was Pain free and the girls were very professional. I already love my skin results only 5 days later and look forward to the results still to come.

Elin Smith: Great - the staff are wonderful so the service is always fantastic

Paul Romeo: Highly recommend the experience and the effects of their customised drips. They work wonders!

Brett Hamilton: I found the drip club team to be very professional and keen to see my needs were met from the moment I walked into there lovely facility on Unley Road. They made me feel very relaxed and it was actually an enjoyable experience during my time there. It has only been one day but my energy levels are back to the way they were 10 years ago and the tiredness I had before the treatment has gone. I highly recommend going to the Drip club!!!

Simon Duke: Had a wonderful experience at the Drip Club Unley. I was in the area so called to see if they can fit me in which wasn't a problem and was looked after really well.

Aretta Holtman: Exceptional service, products, approach and knowledge. I adore my annual refresh in a relaxed environment with unparalleled clinical information. Making a difference. Thank you for care.

Jessica Bristow: Had the most amazing experience as a training model today. Kellie is very professional, has a steady hand and makes you feel very comfortable. It’s no surprise considering Kim is the trainer and best in the biz!! Highly recommend a visit to Dripclub Unley!

Jerome Dacuycuy: Superb service and lovely staff. The over-all experience was great.

11. Wakefield Sports + Exercise Medicine Clinic - Adelaide

· 10 reviews

120 Angas St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Lively Eaters Feeding Services - Kensington

· 12 reviews

298 Portrush Rd, Kensington SA 5068, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Lively Eaters Feeding Services: what do users think?

James Tonson: Emily and her fabulous team helped us wean our son off tube feeding, providing step by step guidance through both intensive and longer term tele-health engagement. They are friendly, understanding and extremely professional, setting a high bar for wholistic care of the whole family. They effortlessly adapted to our particular family circumstances and provided one of the best health care experiences I've ever had. Highly recommended!

Sarah Mcilwraith: My little one, Josh, was tube fed from birth and when he was ready to wean, we chose to wean with Lively Eaters. Josh saw Gemma and Georgina over our journey and I can't put in words how happy my partner and I have been with their services. In just over 6 months, Josh went from having a few spoons of pureed food to eating 3 meals, 2 snacks and a milk drink and is now off his NGT. We completed the wean at home in Victoria by telehealth and their support was great. The combination of having a Dietitian and a speech pathologist looking after us was excellent. I would highly recommend Lively Eaters.

Jacinta Jude: and had developed oral aversion. Before seeking out Lively Eaters we had worked with multiple therapists, however reactive therapy approaches had left us unable to reduce NGT feeds by more than 10%.We started working with Lively Eaters via teleheath, concentrating on techniques to build the mental connection between feeling hungry/full and food. This was the turning point in our son's therapy. From here we were able to drop his NGT volumes, and 2 weeks post completion of the Intensive Tube Weaning Program, we removed the NGT and have not looked back!Lively Eaters use of a multidisciplinary team provided a family centric approach. This not only helped cultivate our sons trust and interest in oral feeding, but provided the counselling and framework for us to let go of the reigns, and put our son in the driving seat of his own appetite.4.5 months on and he has put on on 600gms and 4 cm all under his own steam!If you are thinking about it - go for it! You wont regret it!

Amanda Vivian: I would probably be lost if I didn’t decide to contact Lively Eaters! My son was naso-gastric tube fed from birth until 18 months old, taking nothing at all orally and suffering oral and facial aversions from medical trauma. For 18 months I thought that it would be nearly impossible to get him to eat, and I did a year of personal research including phoning some experts in America, not knowing that we had experts in Adelaide!Emily and her team were just amazing! They are all so knowledgeable in child feeding issues and very professional in their safe delivery of an effective rapid wean program. They became part of our lives for a week and my boy successfully and permanently came off of his tube and became an eater. 12 months on and he is going from strength to strength. We’re thankful every day for the removal of the tube, it has given him better quality of life and more confidence and I know he’ll thrive later on because we acted at the right time!

Josh: Our daughter was born with significant cognitive difficulties which lead to her being nasogastric tube fed from birth. At 9 months of age we reached out to Emily in desperation after being told by the hospital system here in Victoria that inserting a PEG would be the best option as they didn't believe our daughter had the skills to swallow safely. Emily has guided us over 6 months or so through the process of a successful tube wean remotely via Skype in the middle of Covid. I have no doubt at all if it was not for the unique approach of lively eaters our daughter would be still tube fed and dealing with the difficulties that come with it. Not an easy journey by any means but a very rewarding one as our daughter now eats like any other kid!

Andrew and Alicia Rowley: Emily and the team at Lively Eaters are miracle workers. We had been trying and trying to introduce real food to our PEG fed daughter with no success. They worked with us through each step of the process and offered unlimited support as needed. It was a hard slog, but their techniques and calmly reassuring attitudes got us through.

Marguerite Poole: We have worked with Emily and her team for nearly 10 months now and their knowledge and care is second to none.With a baby who was exclusively tube fed since birth we knew weaning would be tricky. Our local team of specialists had us on the wait list for a PEG but I wanted to exhaust all options first.When someone recommended Lively Eaters to us I was quick to arrange an initial consult. Because we were eligible for NDIS support, our consult fees were 100% covered.The team accommodated us for our scheduled tube wean during the COIVD-19 lockdown period and went above and beyond to ensure we could still undergo the wean as we were travelling from interstate.The 5 day intensive was extremely supported and we were given a wealth of knowledge. We saw our daughter swallow and begin to eat and drink consistently for the first time. Whilst we didn’t go home tube free, a week later she was consuming enough orally for us to remove the NG tube. We haven’t looked back.It’s a massive journey but one I would do again in a heartbeat. We felt so supported by Emily and her team that I really can’t thank them enough! I highly recommend this service, it saved our daughter in many ways.

voicerecord: This group are the real deal, headed by Emily, and rare to find. They have a serious wealth of experience and as well as being highly skilled, they offer commitment and compassion. LivelyEaters have been priceless to myself and my tubie son. My tubie son is eating. What more could I possibly want? Amazing and inspirational.

umesh deuja: Both Me and My wife were very happy with the service, yes it is an expensive service but we were notified before the procedure So we were well aware of it.Our Baby had Tube since she was 2 month and zero feeding experience from Mouth. She did not knew what to do with food and used to refuse anything from oral. Tube weaning is extremely difficult process and only those can understand who is suffering.With Lively Team and their plan and strategy within 4 days we got rid off tube.Thank you For providing awesome service.

13. Core Nutrition - Renown Park

· 3 reviews

188 Torrens Rd, Renown Park SA 5008, Australia

Address Website

14. Endeavour Wellness Clinic - Adelaide - Adelaide

· 5 reviews

88 Currie St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Highgate Proactive Health - Naturopathy, Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist - Highgate

· 31 reviews

25 Yeo Ave, Highgate SA 5063, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp
Highgate Proactive Health - Naturopathy, Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist: what do users think?

Esther Comellas: I would like to thank Geraldine for her help and advice regarding my health. Her advice has proven to be very effective, I would highly recommend her !!

Leni Ruess: Geraldine is simply the best. She deserves more than 5 stars!! If you're stuck with a health issue she is definitely the practitioner to help you through anything. She is also very warm, friendly and a multitalented woman full of knowledge who will give you the best treatment possible.

Lily Zurlino: Katrina at Proactive Health is an incredible naturopath that I couldn’t recommend more highly. She is friendly and professional and made me feel very safe. I saw her for my stress, anxiety and fatigue issues. After seeing Katrina I feel like a new person and can feel my life finally getting back on track.

Anushka Malcolm: I saw Katrina at Proactive health. Katrina was so knowable. Really non-judgmental and personable. She really helped me to manage my PCOS, my skin is looking so much clearer!! I love her modern approach to traditional health. Thanks again Katie

Johanna Francis: I have seen Geraldine for naturopathic emotional release completely brilliant would highly recommend .

Cheree Trobbiani: A wonderful listener and naturopath

Kyra Howearth: Highly recommended! Wonderful naturopath, amazing results for my children. Thank you!

Sarah Patterson: Thank you for all your amazing advice and support! My health couldn't have gotten so much better without your help!

Hayley Ashby: Thank you for your professional, friendly service and the sound advice. Highly recommend!

Lisa Medlyn: Since myself & the family have been coming here we hardly need to go to the Doctors! So worth the trip to this Naturopath!

Chelsey Fiteni: I participated in a group visualisation meditation with Geraldine and it was very rewarding. Just her voice is enough to takes you on an adventure.

Grace Miano: Naturopath. Her clinical expertise and mentorship is very valuable to her students and colleagues. Thanks, Geraldine!

Melanie Turner: This woman knows her stuff!

Kerstin Lindsay: Geraldine is genuine and a fantastic practitioner. Your health is in very good hands with her.

Sharon Lindner - Herbalist - Bowen - Warners Bay: Thank you

Info Topp Industries: Geraldine is so incredible at what she does, she has a calm reassuring manner and she is so thorough.

16. SA Group of Specialists - Bedford Park

· 1 reviews

Flinders Private Hospital, Suite 604, Level 6/1 Flinders Dr, Bedford Park SA 5042, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Nutri4Life Pty Ltd - Klemzig

· 3 reviews

Lev 2/280 North East Road, Klemzig SA 5087, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Nutrition Health Experts - Mile End

· 4 reviews

152/154 Henley Beach Rd, Torrensville SA 5031, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

19. Nourish Adelaide - Parkside

257 Fullarton Rd, Parkside SA 5063, Australia

Address Website WhatsApp

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